Guidelines for Authors

  • Instructions for Authors:

    Files needed to submit:

        Please attach yourarticle as .word but not .pdf. 

        When submit the manuscript, authors should submit statements or supporting documents as following:

    • Statement about conflicts of interest: It must be declared that there is no relevant relationships between all authors and no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, author-ship, and publication on of this article. 
    •  Statement about author contribution:The authors of the paper should be involved in the creative conception or design of the academic content of the thesis, the contribution of the research and the writing of the thesis. All authors must be responsible for the quality, accuracy, and ethics of the work. The authors should be sorted by contribution, which should be determined before submission.
    •  A letter of introduction:Theauthors shall attach a letter of introduction from the author's unit to prove the authenticity of the manuscript as well as the fact that there are no confidentiality issues, that the signature is not disputed, that there is no infringement, and that there are no multiple submissions of one manuscript.
    •  Fund certification:if the contribution is a national-, ministerial- or provincial-funded project or key research project, the name and number of the funded project shall be indicated, and a scanned copy of the approval document (certificate) of the funded project shall be attached.
    • Ethical approval:It is necessary to obtain the permission of the relevant ethics committee whether the research object of the paper is human or animal. 

    Peer review process:

           CJOMS uses single-blindpeer review , which means:

            the reviewer’s name is NOT disclosed to the author

            the author’s name is NOT disclosed to the reviewer

         Each of the articles is peer-reviewed by two or three external peer reviewers. Each published article is strictly selected, and only 20% articles are finally accepted for publication.

    Publishing schedule:

        ●In-house and preliminary academic review: 1-2 weeks

         ●External peer review: 1-2 months

         ●Edit after revise: 1-2 months

         ●Formal publication: within 4-6 months after being accepted

    Publication fee:

          Author(s) should pay RMB100 yuanfor review of each submission. If the manuscript is accepted, author(s) should pay 6000 yuan per article, no additional fee for each color page. Some specialist'scommentaryand innovative articles may be freefrom publication fee. The journal’s manuscript remuneration shall be made as a one-time payment to the author.

  • 2011-11-18 Visited: 7415