Editorial Policy

  • The tasks performed in the editorial office include, but are not limited to:

    ● Management of the peer review process--ensure manuscripts progress smoothly through peer review; reviewers have all the information they need; authors receive a review that improves the quality of their manuscript

    ● Issue compilation--assembling issues on time

    ● Editing--copyediting and proof-reading manuscripts; reformatting manuscripts to conform to journal style

    ● Queries--handling problems; assisting with submissions; answering general questions about the journal such as requests for information on time from submission to acceptance

    The roles and responsibilities of editorial offices are evolving rapidly, in response to the trend of online-based workflows. Editorial office staff constantly analyzes data such as citation levels, usage, and author submission behavior to determine content that would enhance readership by a variety of different criteria. 

  • 2024-04-19 Visited: 170