Identification of and dealing with research misconduct

  • It is considered as academic misconduct if there exist but not limited such situation as follow:

    ● Plagiarism: CJOMS routinely screen article submissions for plagiarism through CNKI database and PubMed ahead of peer-view and publication. Once plagiarism is found (repetition rate >15%), we will inform the author to reject the manuscript.

    ● Lack of medical ethical approval: Authors need to obtain the informed consent of the subjects or their relatives when the research object of the paper is human. And it is necessary to obtain the permission of the relevant ethics committee whether the research object of the paper is human or animal. We will reject the paper by lack of medical ethical approval.

    ● Multiple submission: Multiple submissions refers to the practice of submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal, simultaneously. If the author wants to submit the paper to another journal in the future, he or she should contact the editors of this journal to apply for withdrawal. Draft is not allowed to submit more than one journal at the same time and publish it repeatedly. 

  • 2024-04-19 Visited: 130