中国口腔颌面外科杂志 ›› 2016, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (5): 409-412.

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徐晓峰*, 苏佳楠*, 代杰文, 史俊, 徐兵   

  1. 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院·口腔医学院 口腔颅颌面科, 上海市口腔医学重点实验室,上海 200011
  • 收稿日期:2015-12-25 出版日期:2016-09-20 发布日期:2016-10-14
  • 通讯作者: 徐兵,
  • 作者简介:徐晓峰(1989-),男,硕士,住院医师,;苏佳楠(1990-),女,硕士,。*并列第一作者
  • 基金资助:

Three-dimensional finite element analysis of 3 different treatment methods for mandibular symphyseal fracture combined with bilateral intracapsular condylar fractures

XU Xiao-feng, SU Jia-nan, DAI Jie-wen, SHI Jun, XU Bing   

  1. Department of Oral and Craniomaxillofacial Science, Shanghai Ninth People's Hospital, College of Stomatology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine; Shanghai Key Laboratory of Stomatology. Shanghai 200011, China
  • Received:2015-12-25 Online:2016-09-20 Published:2016-10-14

摘要: 目的: 比较不同治疗方法对颏部骨折合并双侧髁突囊内骨折病例的下颌骨宽度的稳定作用。方法: 利用三维数字化软件建立该类骨折3种不同治疗方式的三维有限元模型,比较相同应力条件下下颌骨宽度的改变。结果: 双侧髁突采用手术切开复位内固定、颏部使用2块小钛板固定的模型,在功能状态下下颌骨宽度无明显增宽,与颏部单纯采用拉力螺钉类似,其改变远小于单纯颏部2块小钛板固定。结论: 对于颏部骨折合并双侧髁突囊内骨折病例,若双侧髁突采用保守治疗,下颌骨颏部骨折应采用非常坚固的固定方法,如拉力螺钉;若双侧髁突手术治疗同时保留翼外肌附着,即使采用小钛板,也能有效稳定下颌骨宽度。

关键词: 颏部骨折, 髁突囊内骨折, 髁突脱位, 下颌骨宽度, 三维有限元

Abstract: PURPOSE: To evaluate the width stability of mandibular symphyseal fracture combined with bilateral intracapsular condylar fractures treated with 3 different methods. METHODS: A heterogeneous mandible model was established by using empirical express, and the three different treatment methods were simulated. RESULTS: Compared with other conditions, the model had little displacement when the condylar fractures were treated surgically with preservation of lateral pterygoid muscle attachment, just like using the lag screw for fixation. CONCLUSIONS: For the treatment of mandibular symphyseal fracture combined with bilateral intracapsular condylar fractures, 2 mini plates can provide enough stability when the bilateral intracapsular condylar fractures are fixed with preservation of the lateral pterygoid muscle attachment.

Key words: Mandibular symphyseal fracture, Mandibular intracapsular fracture, Condylar dislocation, Mandibular width, Finite element
