中国口腔颌面外科杂志 ›› 2016, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (5): 397-403.

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张青1, 区跃坚1, 游嘉2, 许海燕1, 孙启俊1   

  1. 1.浙江省湖州市中心医院/浙江大学湖州医院 口腔科,浙江 湖州 313000;
    2.浙江工业大学 特种装备制造与先进加工技术教育部/浙江省重点实验室,浙江 杭州 310032
  • 收稿日期:2016-06-15 出版日期:2016-09-20 发布日期:2016-10-14
  • 通讯作者: 区跃坚,
  • 作者简介:张青(1981-),女,学士,主治医师,
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金(51375453); 浙江省公益技术研究社会发展项目 (2014C33136); 浙江省卫生一般研究计划(2014KYA204)

Osseointegration study of SLM porous multi-rooted implants in rabbits

ZHANG Qing1, OU Yue-jian1, YOU Jia2, XU Hai-yan1, SUN Qi-jun1   

  1. 1.Department of Stomatology, Huzhou Central Hospital, Huzhou Hospital of Zhejiang University. Huzhou 313000;
    2. Key Laboratory of E&M, Ministry of Education&Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang University of Technology. Hangzhou 310032, Zhejiang Province, China
  • Received:2016-06-15 Online:2016-09-20 Published:2016-10-14

摘要: 目的: 设计并制造一种表面具有多孔连通结构的多根牙种植体 (MRI) ,并评价其骨结合能力。方法: 以选择性激光熔化(SLM)技术制造的多根牙种植体(MRI)作为实验组,用市售可吸收介质喷砂表面处理(RBM)的种植体作为对照组,分别植入到新西兰大白兔的双侧胫骨近心端和股骨的远心端。12周后通过显微CT扫描、硬组织切片、推出实验和抗扭转实验评价骨结合情况。采用SPSS 19.0 软件包对数据进行分析。结果: 通过显微CT测量发现,MRI组的骨体积密度始终高于RBM组,并且MRI组的骨体积密度最后达到 48.41%的峰值。组织学分析显示,MRI组的周围骨结合优于RBM组。硬组织切片显示,4周时新生骨组织开始长入种植体表面孔隙结构中,8周时新生骨组织长入双根分叉区域内。生物力学测试显示,MRI组的推出力从 294.7 N 增加到 446.5 N,平均最大扭力从 81.2 N 提高到 289.6 N;而RBM组的平均最大扭力仅从34.8 N提高 到 87.8 N。结论: SLM技术制造的具有多孔连通表面结构的MRI,组织学和生物力学性能评估表明其具有良好的骨结合性能,可改善种植体的成骨性能。

关键词: 种植体设计, 生物力学, 选择性激光熔化, 多根牙种植体, 骨结合

Abstract: PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to develop a multi-rooted dental implant (MRI) with a connected porous surface structure to facilitate osseointegration. METHODS: MRIs manufactured by selective laser melting (SLM) and commercial implants with resorbable blasting media (RBM)-treated surfaces were inserted into the hind limbs of New Zealand white rabbits. Osseointegration was evaluated periodically over 12 weeks by micro-computerized tomography (CT) scanning, histological analysis, mechanical push-out tests, and torsion tests. The results were analyzed by using SPSS19.0 software package for ANOVA intra-group and un-paired t test. RESULTS: Bone volume densities were consistently higher in MRI group than in RBM group throughout the study period, ultimately resulting in a peak value of 48.41% for MRI. Histological analysis revealed denser surrounding bone growth in MRIs; after 4 and 8 weeks, bone tissue had grown into the pore structures and root bifurcation areas, respectively. Biomechanics tests indicated binding of the porous MRIs to the neobone tissues, as push-out forces strengthened from 294.7 N to 446.5 N and maximum mean torsion forces improved from 81.2 N to 289.6 N(MRI), versus 34.8 N to 87.8 N in the RBM group. CONCLUSIONS: MRIs manufactured by SLM possess a connected porous surface structure that improves the osteogenic characteristics of the implant surface and may promote implant survival.

Key words: Implant design, Biomechanics, Selective laser melting, Multi-rooted implant, Osseointegration
